Ray Charles a eu cette merveilleuse inspiration de créer des chansons à partir d’éléments de styles musicaux différents, esprit ouvert libéré de tout sectarisme. Ses pépites enregistrées dans les années 1950 sont parmi nos favorites mélangeant jump blues, gospel, rythmes de New Orleans et des Caraïbes.
C’est en interprétant ce répertoire que RAY TIME souhaite rendre hommage à “The Genius”, pianiste magnifique à la voix qui est la soul incarnée.



Eva et Peter : 2 voix se répondant, se croisant, fusionnant.
Bernard Le Dréau: saxophones et choeurs
Sylvain Duthuillé: claviers,
Peter Butler: basse & contrebasse,
Marc Delouya: batterie et choeurs

 Contact : Tél: 06 89 75 24 64


[email protected] 

RAY TIME is a brand new musical tribute to the wonderful Ray Charles, the man who blended jazz, soul, blues and gospel into his own personal soul music. Four expert and highly experienced musicians are joined by new singing sensation Eva who shares lead and backing vocals with the leader and bassist Peter John Butler. Marc Delouya plays drums like a demon from shuffle to swing and latin grooves while Sylvain Duthuillé on piano was born to interpret this music. Bernard Le Dréau on saxophones is highly prized for his folk and classical work but his heart has always belonged to rhythm & blues as his tone and phrasing testify.
The RAY TIME team know you love this music too so they approach it with respect and a heart and soul attitude, determined to get you off your seats !

Bernard Le Dréau: saxophones et choeurs